Chloropleth map
A chloropleth map is a map based around a central theme or factor which is meant show a statistic within a central boundary such as a state or province(even a country,) This particular map shows the average median income of households around the country. Furthermore notice how this map varies heavily by state and region to region.
Isarithmic map:
An isarithmic map shows a continually ongoing or constantly changing detail such as precipitation, temperatures, or population density. The ultimate purpose of this map is to give the sum total of precipitation rather than just a comparison. For example this map is shows the level of rainfall throughout the year in Washington State.
Proportion symbol map:
A proportion symbol map is meant to show a particular set of data in the vicinity of a general location or specific area. The data displayed on this map can be anything from showing the industrial production of a region to the population of an area. In this case this map shows the population of the capital of each state.
Dot Density map:
The purpose of the dot density map is to state the pervasiveness of a factor within an area. For example this map indicates the population of the United States by area, with each dot representing a hundred thousand people.
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